
Posts Tagged ‘Black Hooded Oriole’

The Black Hooded Oriole

February 15, 2009 Leave a comment
Black Hooded Oriole (Oriolus xanthornus), Homagama

Black Hooded Oriole (Oriolus xanthornus), Homagama

The Black Hooded Oriole is also called the Black Headed Oriole and comes from the family Oriolidae, one of the Old World Birds. The Sri Lankan common name for this lovely creature is ‘Kaha Kurulla’ or Yellow Bird attributed due to its brilliant orange or yellow plumage mixed with black.

This bird is a difficult customer to capture on photo, as it habitually perches on very tall trees and springs off at the slightest movement. It has a very pretty call which easily gives its presence away. They fall into the passerine category of birds who are also known as “song birds” although this is not strictly accurate. They are perching birds and have a specific toe arrangement.

The Black Hooded Oriole is a relative of the Golden Oriole (Oriolus oriolus), a fully yellow/orange colored species. They love fruits, just as the Barbet, but are omnivores and feed on insects (arthropods) as well. Berries and fruits are their favorite diet. They frequent Mango trees at our garden in Homagama.