
Posts Tagged ‘purple faced langur’

Purple-faced Leaf Monkey

February 4, 2009 Leave a comment

The audacity of hope....

Photograph © by Nilu Rajapakse

Purple-faced Leaf Monkey/Langur (Trachypithecus vetulus)

A small troop of monkeys were searching for food in our home garden in Homagama. Monkeys in general are rather desperate for survival these days, with the fast disappearing habitat and food sources. For them, it is a constant battle, as Human gradually take over their natural territory, and so, the natural inhabitants become the intruders. As villages expand these hopeless arboreals are mercilessly chased out with fire-crackers, sticks and stones. One begins to really wonder who the uncivilized species are in this context.

There are four species of the Purple-faced Leaf monkey or Purple-faced Langur which is classified as an “Old World” monkey.

Of the four different species (Presbytis senex) is endemic to Sri Lanka . The Purple faced leaf monkey is identified as a threatened species by IUCN. They mainly survive in the Sinharaja forest, Kitulagala protected zone and the Horton Plains National Park.

As I tried to photograph the small troop they wore a curious but nervous expression, gazing at me in anticipation mixed with fear. One large male relaxed on a tree while the others remained at close range. As I approached closer (unfortunately I had to ascend in order to get a closer look) they hastened away. I do hope they find the food and shelter they were looking for…
